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Prerequisites- Theatre 1
Students will experience theatrical literature of greater complexity, continue in-depth scene study and characterization, and demonstrate advanced acting techniques. Students are required to attend and analyze live theatrical events held outside of regular school hours. The course continues the upward spiral of the theatre curriculum. Scene study, theatre history, performance, auditioning, directing, and playwriting are studied in greater depth. Students will have "hands-on" experience in directing, playwriting, auditioning, and will work with problems of production and performance. Students are required to attend and analyze live theatrical events held outside of regular school hours.. The course continues the upward spiral of the theatre curriculum. Scene study, theatre history, performance, auditioning, directing, and playwriting are studied at the most advanced level. Students will have even more "hands-on" experience in directing, playwriting, auditioning, and will also work with problems of production and performance. Students are required to attend and analyze live theatrical events held outside of regular school hours.

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